Basándome en los dibujos de Amano, saqué un dibujo a escala de la espada
I will continue with my Terra cosplay process, I'll show you how I made the sword and dagger.
Based on Amano's drawings, I did a scale drawing of the sword.
Based on Amano's drawings, I did a scale drawing of the sword.
La recorté
Cut it
Cut it
Y la pasé a madera, aquí observamos la forma base sin lijar, solo recortada.
And then made it out of wood, here we can see the basic shape without sanding, just cut out.
And then made it out of wood, here we can see the basic shape without sanding, just cut out.
La lijé entera
I sanded it
I sanded it
Y quedó más o menos así :)
This is the result :)
Le puse los adornos, que fueron de goma eva
I put the ornaments, made out of Eva foam.
Y empecé a pintar, el filo en spray plateado cromado y la base y mango de rojo, en cuanto se secó todo, le añadí los detalles, primero una cinta en el mango
I started to paint, the edge with silver chrome spray and painted the base and handle in red, as everything dried, I added the details, first a ribbon on the handle.
I started to paint, the edge with silver chrome spray and painted the base and handle in red, as everything dried, I added the details, first a ribbon on the handle.
Pinté algunos detalles en dorado cromado.
I painted some details with chrome gold.
I painted some details with chrome gold.
Con la tela preciosa que me regaló AOJ, hice gran parte de los adornos que lleva por todo el traje, me pareció buena idea añadirlos también en la espada
With the precious fabric AOJ gave me, I made many of the ornaments that she has on the suit, I thought I could also add some to the sword.
With the precious fabric AOJ gave me, I made many of the ornaments that she has on the suit, I thought I could also add some to the sword.
Además de la tela, le puse tiras de bolas de colores dorados y rojos, una borla y cordón dorado, quedó una guarnición muy bonita
In addition to the fabric, I put strips of gold and red balls, and a gold tassel, it was very beautiful.
In addition to the fabric, I put strips of gold and red balls, and a gold tassel, it was very beautiful.
Después le puse en el mango un cordón dorado muy delgado.
Afterwards I put on the handle a very thin gold cord.
Y con esto di por finalizada la espada, me gusta mucho el resultado, es muy Amano <3
The finished sword, I really like the result, it is very Amano <3
The finished sword, I really like the result, it is very Amano <3
La realización de la daga es muy parecida a la de la espada.
Hice la plantilla en papel
Making the dagger is very similar to the sword.
I made the template on paper
La pasé a madera
Then on wood
Then on wood
I cut it
I cut it
Sanded it
Sanded it
Le di el color base
Painted the base color
Painted the base color
Y le añadí las 2 borlas negras =D
Added 2 black tassels =D
Added 2 black tassels =D
En el mango le puse lentejuelas
On the handle I put sequins
On the handle I put sequins
Y quedó así de chulo =D
This is the result, very cool!
This is the result, very cool!
Para terminar la daga, la hice una funda muy cuca (y navideña xD)
To finish the dagger, I made a very cool cover (and Christmas like xD)
To finish the dagger, I made a very cool cover (and Christmas like xD)
Resultado final:
Final result:
Final result:
Espero que os haya gustado mucho =D
Nos vemos en la próxima entrada
I hope you liked it a lot = D
See you in the next post!
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